1045 Wicker Street Ticonderoga, NY 12883

Welcome to the First United Methodist Church!

Serving Our Community And World In Christ's Name

UMCOR International Disaster Response
Checks may be made out to FUMC, with the memo: Advance #982450 for Ukraine. You may also specify Syria/Turkey in your giving. Thank you!!!

Donations may be mailed to: FUMC at 1045 Wicker St. Ticonderoga, NY 12883

Sunday Service is at 9:00.

A Sunday service is held in Crown Point at 11:00.

Crown Point United Methodist Church, 1682 Creek Road, Crown Point, NY 12928

Ticonderoga and Crown Point, as well as anyone anywhere who wishes, is welcome to join in via our Facebook page.

Lenten Bible Study

March 12- April 16

Wednesdays, 1-2:00pm in the Lounge and on Facebook.

Free Community Dinner

April 6th. 4:30 pm – to 6:00, or while supplies last

Pulled Pork, sides, dessert and beverages

Open to the public at no charge

Donations accepted to defray food cost

Feel free to email us! Click here!